RollApes NFT Collection:

RollApes is a carefully crafted NFT collection, inspired by the aesthetics of the Bored Ape Yacht Club. Each RollApe NFT is a work of art, with a vivid fusion of colors, intricate detailing, and captivating expressions. The artistry brings these digital apes to life, making each one a unique and collectible masterpiece. RollApes promises an imaginative blend of creativity and exclusivity, with every NFT embodying a distinct visual narrative that's truly a sight to behold.

Total Minted :

Contract address : 0xe203370D7F5D6b67701e8fcebF220e08dA22464D

Total collection : 10k

Type : ERC721

RollApes: Explorers of the Froopyland Incentivized Testnet
RollApes are the enthusiastic trailblazers of the Dymension community, each with a unique role in the transformative journey of Froopyland's incentivized testnet. As dedicated testers, RollApes play a pivotal part in this groundbreaking initiative, where innovation meets blockchain technology. They are an essential part of the grand experiment, making the crypto-native internet a reality.
Within the vast Froopyland landscape, RollApes occupy a significant role. They are the relentless explorers, the individuals who dive into the complexities of the testnet, pushing its boundaries, and ensuring its robustness. These testers receive a well-deserved share of the rewards, representing 10% of the total pool, which amounts to a substantial 1 million DYM (Dymension's native token).
RollApes are driven not just by their technical proficiency but also by their passion and commitment to the Dymension vision. Their engagement with the testnet serves as the litmus test for the ecosystem's viability. They tirelessly examine the network, stress-testing its capabilities, identifying areas for improvement, and offering valuable feedback to enhance the user experience.
As beneficiaries of this share, RollApes are not merely passive observers but active contributors to the growth of Dymension. Their dedicated efforts in shaping this testnet's future serve as a testament to the power of community-driven innovation. They are the ones who help validate and refine the concepts that will eventually lead to the internet of RollApps, creating a vibrant and interconnected network of blockchain applications.
In essence, RollApes are the unsung heroes of the Dymension community, pushing the boundaries of technology, and their contributions are rewarded with a share of DYM tokens. They represent the spirit of exploration, experimentation, and the unwavering belief in the limitless potential of blockchain technology.